Our Programs

A successful collaboration Turbomecanica – Young people

In June 2013 TURBOMECANICA S.A. started the cooperation with the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and with the Technical College “Petru Maior”, a collaboration that included the faculty students and high school students, within the framework of the practice contracts required by the curricula. The program proved to be a real success and this determined the  management of our company to further develop its collaboration with other educational institutions.

Today we have 2 programs dedicated to these collaborations:

Turbo Practice Program

The Turbo Practice Program, which enables students from high schools and technical colleges as well as students from higher education institutions to put their theoretical knowledge into practice  under the guidance of our specialists.

Internship Turbo Program

The Internship Turbo Program,  a flexible program which allows the students to take part  in  processes that are  of interest to them,  thus helping  them understand the practical principles and phenomena studied at faculty, and, in our turn,  after their graduation,  we have the possibility of employing specialists,  specifically trained on our products and already integrated into the organizational culture.

Up to now, over 50 students have been involved in the Internship Turbo program, and over 200 students and pupils have been involved in the Turbo Practice program.

“Each of these youngsters will have the chance to know in detail the products and processes developed by TURBOMECANICA, and will do internships in most sections. The criteria they were selected for aim mainly at the discovery of technical skills, which, with appropriate training programs, will help them develop and qualify. In my opinion, the Romanian Aeronautical field has excellent specialists with great experience, but not enough young people.  I consider to be our duty to invest in young people that can take responsibilities and secure the future of the Romanian Aeronautical IndustryRadu Viehmann – PDG

In June 2013 TURBOMECANICA S.A. started the cooperation with the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and with the Technical College “Petru Maior”, a collaboration that included the faculty students and high school students, within the framework of the practice contracts required by the curricula. The program proved to be a real success and this determined the  management of our company to further develop its collaboration with other educational institutions.

Today we have 2 programs dedicated to these collaborations:


Turbo Practice Program

The Turbo Practice Program, which enables students from high schools and technical colleges as well as students from higher education institutions to put their theoretical knowledge into practice  under the guidance of our specialists.

Internship Turbo Program

The Internship Turbo Program,  a flexible program which allows the students to take part  in  processes that are  of interest to them,  thus helping  them understand the practical principles and phenomena studied at faculty, and, in our turn,  after their graduation,  we have the possibility of employing specialists,  specifically trained on our products and already integrated into the organizational culture.

Up to now, over 50 students have been involved in the Internship Turbo program, and over 200 students and pupils have been involved in the Turbo Practice program.

“Each of these youngsters will have the chance to know in detail the products and processes developed by TURBOMECANICA, and will do internships in most sections. The criteria they were selected for aim mainly at the discovery of technical skills, which, with appropriate training programs, will help them develop and qualify. In my opinion, the Romanian Aeronautical field has excellent specialists with great experience, but not enough young people.  I consider to be our duty to invest in young people that can take responsibilities and secure the future of the Romanian Aeronautical IndustryRadu Viehmann – PDG

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