

The project “Transfer of technology for the optimization of the mechanical surface treatment of some P/Ns used in the aeronautical industry” was accepted for financial founding through the National Research-Development and Innovation Plan PNCDI III.
Turbomecanica team in collaboration with a group of researchers from University of Politehnica will lead to the fulfillment of the objectives of this project, which aims to improve the efficiency of the shot peening process by modernizing the installation and developing the processing capability.

Shot Peening project number: PN-III-P2-2.1 – PTE-2021-0195 (PNCDI III)

Project Manager

Ovidiu Tanase

UPB Partner Project Manager

Mariana Luciana Angelescu

Duration of the project

Research Objectives

Equipped with an automatic abrasive filling system to maintain a constant granulometric structure of the working mixture

The use of new bohr carbide quenching nozzles with a very high resistance to wear (it keeps its dimensional characteristics and thus the working parameters remain constant for as long as possible)

Abrasive dispensers with the possibility of automatic adjustment of the flow through controlled false air intake


TURBOMECANICA participated as an exhibitor at MRO Europe 2022

Europe’s largest MRO event where airlines, MRO organisations, OEMs, lessors, suppliers and industry experts meet annually to explore and define the aviation maintenance industry. During this event, Turbomecanica intensively promoted the shot peening project currently underway.