Turbomecanica s.a.


Founding of the National Aeronautical NDT Board for Non Destructive Testing (RO-NANDTB)

On 5th of November 2015, under the aegis of Association of Romanian Aeronautical Companies (“OPIAR”), the following top five companies of Romanian aeronautical industry: TURBOMECANICA S.A., IAR S.A., AEROSTAR S.A., ROMAERO S.A. and AEROQ-NDT S.R.L have signed the statutory documents of National Aeronautical NDT Board for Non Destructive Testing (« RO-NANDTB »), becoming the founding members of this organization.

RO-NANDTB is a non-profit organization having as main objectives: the training of NDT personnel (who performs non-destructive testing) for all authorization levels and for all used methods, licensing training centers and developing procedures / regulations which set training and authorization rules of NDT personnel.
In this way, the Romanian aeronautical industry aligns to the provisions of EN4179 and NAS 410 standards related to qualification and authorization of NDT personnel engaged in the aeronautic industry.