Repair and Overhaul


Repair and overhaul

Our repair facilities comprise dedicated engine acceptance, assembly-disassembly and triage areas, with measuring equipments and Non Destructive Testing capabilities. Engine repairs and overhauls are performed using state-of-the-art technology.

All phases of the repairs are executed according to the current requirements: disassembly, paint stripping and cleaning, visual inspection of components, measurement and/or Non Destructive Testing inspections. According to the technical reports issued after the part/product analysis phase, the engine assembly division workmen replace faulty parts, apply service bulletins and then reassembly and test the products.

Our testing facilities are equipped with a wide range of test rigs for: fuel/oil/hydraulic engine accessories, balancing and over-speed tests and test beds for turbojets and turbo shafts. Similar procedures are applied, on specific equipments, for the helicopter dynamic components.

Engines and helicopter dynamic components

Assembly of components, subassemblies and final assembly are performed in a dedicated shop area, using specific precision equipment.

We are equipped with balancing machines (shafts, rotors and rotating assemblies) and over-speed testing machines. The assembly shop facilities allow the repair of other engines types, pertaining to the same family of engines and with similar sizes to the engines in current production.

Helicopter dynamic components are completely disassembled, checked, NDT inspected and reassembled according to specific requirements.

A highly skilled labor force of engineers (graduates of the Aerospace Engineering Courses of Polytechnic University of Bucharest), mechanics and inspectors is available.

Engines and helicopter dynamic components testing facilities

Test facilities include 2 engine tests cells for turbojet/turbofan and turbo shaft engines, equipped with command and control modules built by Central Engineering Company (Minneapolis).

The turbo shaft test cell, having a classic configuration with the engine ground placed, allows testing of engines with maximum power outputs of up to 2,000 kW.

The turbojet/turbofan test cell, having the engine mounting cradle suspended from the ceiling, allows testing of engines with maximum thrust outputs of up to 10,000 daN.

Gearboxes for helicopters are tested on dedicated test rigs.
Accessories and components test facilities include test rigs for fuel control regulators, fuel pumps, oil pumps, fuel nozzles, engine electrical equipment and over-speed test rigs for disks and rotors.