Turbomecanica s.a.


TURBOMECANICA has supported people with disabilities

TURBOMECANICA has carried out a financial sponsorship process to the Association for the Support of Physically Handicapped Children – Romania (ASCHF-R) in order to help with   the social projects of the organization, intended for these children.

The ASCHF-R organization assumes as vision for its beneficiaries: “A world where children and young people with physical or associated disabilities reach their potential and are full members of society.”

Our objectives aim at increasing the quality of life of young people with disabilities, by providing services that meet the needs identified at this category of people.

The aim of TURBOMECANICA and of the association is to create an environment where the child and the young person with physical and associated disabilities enjoy a decent life, with facilities that guarantee his dignity, promote autonomy and his/her participation in the life of society.

The ASCHF-R is an organization consisting of nine organizations of parents from nine counties, and carries out activities in the interests of the family cared disabled child / youngster and is accredited as a social service provider.

TURBOMECANICA contributed to the celebration of the Christmas tree 2017, an event designed to bring to children’s souls  the emotion, the joy,  the magic atmosphere and the spirit of this holiday.

Besides these events, our company also supported  the foundation “Maternitatea Filantropia 1883” for carrying out its specific activities (care for premature babies, detection of congenital malformations, breast and cervical cancer screening, etc.)

TURBOMECANICA  is a company that promotes social and individual responsibility, education, integrity, respect, empathy, altruism and involvement.